Today is a big day, a very nice day and Sunday as well. Today is 10/10/2010.
Few people will remember this day, and there are dozens of more important days in the history of man kind, but considering I haven't blogged in a while, and today I really wanted to, I might as well speak of the date.
For one thing, today is the Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat release date. Ubuntu 10.10 will officially be out (let's hope no delays are to affect this), no more beta's and release candidates.
The other very nice thing about today is the actual date: 10/10/10 - in binary 101010 is 42, which most of you ought to know that's the answer to life, the Universe and everything. Nice day to pick for the Ubuntu release, don't you think?
But most importantly, today is a Sunday, so have a nice weekend everybody.