Monday, 28 December 2009

Hello World! + Killing yahoo messengers

Hello Everyone!

I decided today I wanted to make a blog, so here we are.
I don't really know what to start with, so I'll show you a nice little trick to make idiots close their own Yahoo Messenger. (Because I just hate Y!Msg).

So... before we get to business, you probably didn't know that yahoo messenger has some "browser" commands... just like the mailto:someEmail command. These commands are after all links... so you don't need to be in a browser to use them.... you can use them as links in your status.

If you see this in a website for example:

<a href="ymsgr:sendim?notarealuser">Send Message</a>

there will be a link that opens a yahoo messenger window chatting with notarealuser.

There are other similar commands (this list is taken from wikipedia):

* ymsgr:addfriend? Example: ymsgr:addfriend?myid
* ymsgr:sendfile? Example: ymsgr:sendfile?myid
* ymsgr:call? Example: ymsgr:call?1-800-555-7654
* ymsgr:callPhone? Example: ymsgr:callPhone?1-800-555-7654
* YMSGR:chat? "opens chat room list"
* ymsgr:im? Opens "send an im window"
* ymsgr:getimv?doodle
* ymsgr:getimv?yfighter

There is one command though that does not appear in the list because it's not "useful":


That is what you should add at the end of your status (or at the link box or whatever is now in the latest version of the messenger). The only thing you have to make sure is that you have no other links before that.

As far as I know (though I'm not sure...) Y!Msg 8 and older are immune, but still it's a nice trick : D.

Have a Nice day everyone,
Laserbeam - out.

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