Thursday, 1 July 2010

Portal is coming back!

Although most of you guys probably know this, not long ago Portal 2 was announced.

Portal was one of my favorite puzzle games but it felt like a small test being a short game and not that difficult. Portal 2 however took it's time to grow and is going to be 4 times as long as the first one with 2 campaigns, one for single player and one for co-op both being twice the length of the original game.

Portal 2 starts just where Portal left us, but dozens or maybe even hundreds of years in the future. Gladis (the big robot you blew up last game) is now rebuilding the facility and you are trying to escape. You will have friends along the road who are trying as well to run from Gladis, but that is just about everything we know about the story.

The game has several new elements to play with besides boxes, portals, switches and whatever else was in the previous game. They've added "Excursion vents" which negate gravity and slowly push you in a direction, they also travel through portals of course, "Faith plates", pieces of floor which push you around, "Thermal discouragement beams" which are like the energy spheres from Portal 1, but are continuous beams of energy which can be bent with some mirror cubes and "Pneumatic diversity vents" which suck everything from area A and transport it through a big pipe to area B. There might be other game elements of which I don't know about.

The game will be launching in 2011. As far as I know it's almost finished, but the team wants to test it over and over and over and over again to maximize the gameplay experience.

I'll leave you now with this amazing teaser and for anyone who wants to see more: here's a bunch of really nice videos about the game. Just remember, THE CAKE IS A LIE!

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